Be aware of HOT ASPHALT when walking your Dog

by Karina Hogan

Hi all, today I wanted to share what has been on my mind for a while since the summer is here in Central Oregon. Please all be aware of the temperatures of the pavement when you are out walking your dog and not just the pavement, gravel also can be very hot as well as sand. We all love our four-legged friends and want them to be comfortable and safe. Most dog owners are so good about bringing water for their dogs on their walks but it never even crosses their mind how hot the pavement might be since we don’t have to walk barefoot on it. If you can on hot days take them for a morning or late evening walk but of course if you have to let them out in the middle of the day make sure you play with them on grassy areas. 🐾
I wish you all a wonderful day. 😊

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